The Blog
Homebirth: One Mom’s Experience
Lotus birth with placenta and cord Seven years ago, Monica Eleazar Manzano gave birth to her son via an emergency C-section. The experience left her woefully traumatized. A professional yoga instructor and mompreneur, Monica explains, “I truly felt that it was unnecessary. If I was given the proper guidance by […]
READ the POSTThe Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Award 2014: The Year The “Selfless” Took Over
2014 was the year the selfless took over thanks to The Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Award (BTCA). This year’s campaign, which was officially launched in March, gained traction in both traditional and non-traditional media, and even received increased “likes” (it has over 9,000 likes as of writing) on its official […]
READ the POST3 Ways to Overcome Breastfeeding Challenges
Some women take to breastfeeding quite easily. All they need to do is bring their baby near their breast, and the little one would latch on without assistance or hesitance. Others find breastfeeding difficult and challenging. But knowing its many benefits, they keep on trying until they succeed. Here, we […]
READ the POSTTraditional or Progressive Education: What Works For Your Child
There are various differences between a traditional school and a progressive one; each has its own pros and cons too. Michelle Dizon, who has been a guidance counselor in both types of school, discusses the points one by one. Finding the best fit for your child will take a bit […]
READ the POSTSmart Parenting’s Best for Babies Awards 2014
Smart Parenting Magazine gave their stamp of approval to a selection of products as it announced the winners of its first-ever “Best for Babies Awards” for 2014. Together with a panel of experts, Smart Parenting conducted tests on different products essential in daily baby care, following specific criteria. LAUNDRY DETERGENT FOR BABY CLOTHES […]
READ the POSTGiveaway Alert: Ready, Steady, Win!
Getting your kids off the couch and unto the playground can be quite difficult especially with all the cool apps on their tablets and the entertaining features on cable TV. Fortunately, Ready Steady Go Kids is here! Australia’s leading preschool sport and exercise program, Ready Steady Go teaches kids the fundamentals of […]
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Motherhood Stage by Stage
We are with you every step of the way, giving you a variety of information, events and activities which address every stage of motherhood.