The Blog
The Busy Mom’s Fitness Plan
It’s so easy not to exercise, especially if you’re a mom. You can always say that you’re too busy. Or you can tell yourself that taking care of your children is exercise enough. However, the benefits of regular physical activity cannot be denied. It improves your mood, boosts your energy, […]
READ the POSTHow to be the Bestest Friend to a Pregnant Woman
Pregnancy can be one of the most wonderful experiences that can happen to a woman, especially if she is surrounded by friends who are supportive, loving, and nurturing. It would also help if the people around her know how to side-step the many land mines that could ruin the experience […]
READ the POSTHonoring Principals and Librarians
Giving recognition to principals, librarians, and educatorsScholastic Asia President Frank Wong thanking the educators for their noble work Most of us probably have this image of the principal as strict and stern and the librarian as forbidding and unfriendly. At the awarding ceremonies of the Scholastic Readers Cup, however, principals […]
READ the POSTHow to Nurture Your Children’s Talents
Every child is blessed with a variety of talents, and more often than not, it’s up to his parents to bring out those talents, enhance them, and nurture them. But how do you do so? We asked real moms for their insights, and here’s what they had to say! “If […]
READ the POSTYour Beauty Questions Answered!
You may have a hundred things to do today, but always take a minute to get yourself pretty! Here, Rissa Mananquil-Trillo, beauty maven and one of the founders of Happy Skin, answers some stay-pretty questions. How do you deal with eyebags? Can you ever make them go away? “Concealer can […]
READ the POST5 ways to make the most of playtime
Playtime is one of the best ways that parents can bond with their children. Playtime not only gives parents the opportunity to help in the development of their kids’ various skills, it is also a relaxing activity to get their minds off stressful experiences. At Mommy Mundo’s MomSchool Series, Gabby […]
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Motherhood Stage by Stage
We are with you every step of the way, giving you a variety of information, events and activities which address every stage of motherhood.