For Moms with fashionista sensibilities, getting your little princess in the prettiest frocks mean everything. Just hold your horses with the latest fashion trends, though. What may be cool these days may not necessarily be appropriate for your little girl.
Practice a discerning eye. Best stick to the classics and let your daughter be exactly who she is: a little girl with her own developing sense of style. Help her be her own person who would be proud of who she is, comfortable in her own skin as much as she in the clothes she’s wearing. After all, to be a real fashionista, you have to have attitude, character, and most of all, class. She doesn’t need to go from 3 to 30 with one wardrobe change.

Style and function are two of the most important things to Mom Baby Fabric online boutique that’s clearly showcased in their Little Print Dress line. Inspired by fashion icon Audrey Hepburn, the sleeveless shift dress in fabulous, unique prints has an A-line cut that flatters any little girl without limiting her movements. Dressing up with your little Audrey can be a lot of fun without having to worry about her growing up too soon. Hop on to Mom Baby Fabric!

Photos from Mom Baby Fabric
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