Live Events
Learn with us and be an empowered parent!
From pregnancy to parenting, we provide helpful tools to help make these stages easier, enjoyable, and exciting.

Empowering Parents since 2003
Through the years, we've worked hard to provide moms and dads with quality seminars, events, and workshops to enrich the various aspects of their lives. We've collaborated with credible professionals to bring carefully curated, expert-based content, responsive to the needs and demands of the mom community.
Since 2003, we've been mounting exciting on-ground events all over the country to bring moms together in inclusive spaces.
In the midst of the pandemic, we strived to be a dependable friend and trusted ally as we reached out to parents through our online platforms. We gave tips, tools, and answers to critical concerns courtesy of our roster of experts.
Similarly, we also provide dynamic platforms for our brand partners to effectively network and communicate their message across target markets, making sure that desired objectives are met.
We frequently hold discussions and workshops covering the five important aspects of motherhood - healthy pregnancy, breastfeeding, active parenting, mompreneurship, and wellness.
MM Modules

Pregnant Pause
Pregnancy can be an overwhelming experience, if we're not physically and mentally prepared for what's ahead. So we co-created a premium program with pioneering childbirth educator Rome Kanapi to help expectant moms prepare for a safe delivery.
We help pregnant women understand the childbirth process by answering any and all queries for a better appreciation of this precious stage. Discussion topics include staying healthy and strong while pregnant, preparing for labor and delivery, breathing and exercises, involving your spouse/partner, and more.

Breast Friends
Breastfeeding is a beautiful and rewarding bonding experience to have with our baby. It takes preparation and commitment, so it's best to be an informed parent before the breastfeeding journey begins. We might encounter all sorts of challenges-baby is not latching, we might have sore or cracked nipples, we're not producing enough milk, etc.
This series covers the different issues and concerns of nursing moms. Our breastfeeding advocates and lactation counselors will be on hand to give tips because that's what breast friends are for.

Baby Love
Taking care of a tiny human can feel overwhelming especially for a first-time parent. Challenges may arise as we care for newborns such as colic, reflux, gas, eye infections, nappy rash, etc.
This module serves as preparation for managing such situations.

Everything Parenting
We hear it all too often: parenting is a tough job. Regardless of age, we're confronted with different issues and challenges that we never expected or knew before we had kids. We will navigate this journey together with tips and advice from parenting professionals.
These seminars tackle topics related to conscious parenting such as teaching resilience, expanding emotional skills set, and enjoying parenthood.

MM Community Hangouts
One of the things we miss during the pandemic is spending uninterrupted face-to-face time with our girlfriends in the community. It's still not advisable to do that now. But hey, we can still stay connected even when we need to be physically apart. That's precisely what MM Hangouts is for-a safe space for moms and moms-to-be to share intimate stories, discuss sensitive or difficult topics, and have fun moments together as a community. We're in this together.

Mompreneur Talks
Mommy Mundo's mompreneur community, Mompreneur PH, which was founded in 2013, supports moms who wish to pursue their entrepreneurial passions. We know that being a mom and an entrepreneur is a tough balancing act, so we're here to empower and equip mompreneurs with business smarts. At Mompreneur Talks, moms can meet, learn from, network, exchange ideas, and be mentored by successful entrepreneurs and industry experts.

Mom Wellness
Maintaining our holistic well-being-physical, mental, emotional, spiritual-is crucial to fulfilling our myriad roles as mother and wife. In this workshop series, we talk about topics like health, fitness activities, mindfulness, and intentional living, which are essential to keeping our body and mind in tiptop shape.
The goal is to become the best version of ourselves, so we can be the best mom to our families.