In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic more parents might want to do their research and seriously consider it. Many schools have been forced to transition to online learning in the past few months of the school year, and the upcoming school year is going to be conducted online for many students.
The Moms of COVID
The motherhood journey has its fair share of ups and downs, but for those who delivered during the COVID-19 quarantine, fears, worries, and motherhood realisations were amplified.
The Discipline Dilemma: 8 Insights That Could Help
Why is disciplining our children one of the biggest challenges of parenting? Is it because we feel that the discipline methods used for us were ineffective? Or we think they were effective for us but not for our children, who are so different from us? Or are our perceptions of discipline skewed by the pressures and expectations of society?
Returning to Work: Coping with Separation Anxiety
Commonly known as Return to Work Syndrome, the separation anxiety (and all the other feelings that come with it) is very common when parenting infants. It is especially difficult for first time parents. After all, you’ve just been given the greatest gift you’ve ever received. How do you walk away?
Five Common Infant Ailments: When to Worry
Whether you are a first-time parent or a parenting veteran that can spout motherhood tips in their sleep, having a sick child will always be a cause for concern or worry.
Sleep Training: Does It Work?
Sleep training is a method of teaching your infant how to sleep. It trains infants on both how long they should sleep and how to put themselves to bed or back to bed. As training progresses, children begin to sleep longer, only cry or fuss when necessary, and ultimately allow you to get your much needed sleep.
How to Handle Remote Learning & Home Schooling
Whether it be by choice, due to illness, or in cases of community quarantines, knowing the basics of home schooling and/or being able to handle remote learning of kids is useful for all parents.
Important Hygiene Tips Every Child Should Practice
Apart from these basic yet important hygiene tips, getting children involved with everyday household cleaning can also help open their eyes and teach them what proper hygiene is all about. The more they realise how things should be cleaned and how things should stay clean, the better their chances of staying healthy.