The Blog
Couples in Quarantine (Finding Time to Connect When Constantly Together)
If you live in Manila you have gone through 119 days of quarantine by the time this was published. ONE-HUNDRED-AND-NINETEEN DAYS. That is one-third of the year. Four months of trying your best to stay home, interacting only with the members of your household; working from home, completely disrupting your old routines; setting up new safety and hygiene measures; and watching all the Netflix, Amazon Prime, and iMovies you deem worthy.
READ the POSTThe Advantage of Tantrums: What to Do & What Not to Do
Interestingly, tantrums tend to happen with parents. This is because the child feels safe with their parents, and so they feel safe enough to express their feelings in a chaotic and sometimes destructive way.
READ the POSTThe Advantage of Tantrums: Emotional Intelligence
Parents can take comfort in knowing that tantrums are a huge part of their child’s development. Tantrums are as natural as a tummy grumbling because of hunger. They are your child’s natural response to a need for attention, frustration, anger, tiredness, and–hey!–hunger. But what role do they play in development?
READ the POSTHow to meditate with your children
As we make our way towards being comfortable in the new normal, one skill well worth teaching our children is meditation. In times of upheaval and uncertainty being able to calm themselves, clear their minds, and meditate can be of great use to them. But how does one teach children meditation when children are difficult?
READ the POSTHow to Stay Healthy Postpartum
It can be easy to get lost in anxiety and the busyness of having a new baby. During these months, health is the most important factor to consider, both yours and the baby’s, and staying healthy postpartum should be part of all your plans and routines.
READ the POSTInfant Massage with Rome Kanapi
Mommy Mundo along with Baby Dove held an online version of the popular seminar, Infant Massage. Taught by pioneering childbirth expert, Rome Kanapi, almost 200 moms tuned in to learn about the best way to bond with your baby and stimulate their muscles and sense of touch. Kanapi, using a doll, demonstrated the best ways to massage a baby, and she encouraged moms to practice with their babies as she went through the steps.
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Motherhood Stage by Stage
We are with you every step of the way, giving you a variety of information, events and activities which address every stage of motherhood.