The Blog
Fresh, Fun, and Quirky Clothing for Kids! As parents, our standards for health, safety, and happiness have gone way up the scale and our radar goes insane at the tiniest blip on our concerned parent screen. We are more discerning especially when it comes to the basics like food, water, and clothing. Nowadays, ordinary, mass-produced products […]
READ the POSTZoo Adventures A trip to the zoo is always a fun treat for children. At the zoo, they not only get to run around to their heart’s desire, they get to meet creatures of great beauty and magnificence as well. However, trips to the zoo are often few and far between […]
READ the POSTPreparing your Child’s School Kit
At the start of the schoolyear, most preschool mommies are asked to assemble a kit containing your child’s things. This kit usually contains an extra set of clothes, change of undies, some toiletries, slippers, and the like. Teacher asks that moms prepare the items and place it in a box […]
READ the POSTGlamourama for Hot Mama
Going to the salon is a most cherished pleasure among mommies. For a precious few hours, the thought of taking care of hearth and home is farthest from their minds, allowing them to de-stress, relax, and take care of themselves for a change. Beauty & Butter answers mommy’s need for queenly pampering […]
READ the POSTFrom Pregnancy to Playground: Philips Avent Mall Caravan
Celebrate the magical gift of motherhood as Philips Avent, in cooperation with Baby Company and SM Megamall, invites you and your family to be a part of “From Pregnancy to Playground” on May 18 at the SM Megamall Event Center from 10am to 7pm. There will be exciting activities […]
READ the POSTFun Ranch Rainbow Run 3
Grab those running shoes and prepare your wacky moves for this year’s Rainbow Run! Rainbow Run is running for Fun. Run, walk, skip or hop a kilometer to cross the finish line! There’s no better place to do this but in Fun Ranch. Be in costume or any fun, comfortable […]
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Motherhood Stage by Stage
We are with you every step of the way, giving you a variety of information, events and activities which address every stage of motherhood.