Oh, what I would give to have had this product in the market when my three boys were still in their potty training stage. It’s absolutely a work of genius, and something that could have only come from the frustrated mind of a mom like me!

Wee Target was actually created by Joanna Haymes with the help of her husband Daniel. Joanna grew up with four sisters, so she didn’t have any idea about how potty training with boys would be like. Needless to say, she was a tad overwhelmed. Messy floors, frazzled nerves, and crying tots—the works!
Her eureka moment came in the middle of the night when the idea of a target-oriented toilet training aid just woke her up. She and her husband developed it, and came up with Wee Target: a fun toilet training device that’s attached to the rim of the toilet. Whenever your toddler aims right and hits the black circle, a picture appears revealing different images from a dinosaur and a fire truck to an elephant and a rocket ship. It is pure genius! When he’s done, you just flush the toilet and the target goes back to black. Each target can last for up to six weeks. How’s that for learning and having a bit of fun as well!

For more information, go to www.facebook.com/rtrevi.concepts, www.r-trevi.com, e-mail r.trevi.concepts.intl@gmail.com, or call 0917-819-3386
Photos from Wee Target
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