In this new series, Mommy Mundo asks real moms to share their experience of a particular product or service to give you useful consumer insights. This week’s #RealMomReview comes from Erika Rodica, mom of seven-year-old Sophie and the mompreneur behind swimsuit brand Eika. She shares her experience of Kidzania.
KidZania Manila is a safe, unique, and interactive environment where kids four to 14 can discover, explore, and learn about the adult world – in a kid-sized city built just for them!
Here is Erika’s review:
How did you find out about Kidzania Manila?
I first found out about Kidzania through social media posts.
What was your first impression when you saw the place?
It’s a whole new world! It’s a kiddie world for pretend adults. I honestly wished there was already a Kidzania during my childhood days. I’ve always wanted to try out different jobs and see what adults really do when they say they have to “work.”
How did Sophie react?
She was ecstatic! She couldn’t wait to start working. But she was mostly excited because she got to earn (pretend) money and spend it afterwards.
What did you like most about it?
That the kids were given a lot of job choices to choose from and that parents weren’t allowed inside the mini-buildings. The kids really have to do the work themselves.
Is there any area of your experience where you’d like to see an improvement?
It was actually a pleasant experience and quite organized. Maybe they can increase the number of kids that they can accommodate in the more popular stations so that the waiting time won’t be too long.
Would you recommend it to friends?
For more information on Kidzania Manila, go to
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