For first-time parents, pregnancy and parenting can be an easily overwhelming and sometimes scary topic. To guide expectant parents on their parenting journey, Mommy Mundo’s publication Urban Mom together with Babyland, presents Pregnancy Pause 4: A Talk for Modern Moms-to-be. An intimate talk exclusively for expectant couples on Saturday, August 10 from 1-4:00pm at Babyland Shaw Boulevard.
Several speakers will share their expertise on topics such as Baby Sign Language with Jaymie Pizarro, Breastfeeding Basics with Eliza Ypon, Pregnancy Tips, Baby Tips to get you ready for baby from real moms and dads.
Attendance is free of charge but pre-registration is required. To register, please text 09088657245 and include your name, your husband/ partner’s name and number of weeks pregnant.
Limited slots available. Only those who receive confirmation texts will be accommodated.
Pregnant Pause 4 is supported by Mommy Matters, PACE, GlaxoSmithKline, Philips Avent, and Nursing Mom.
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