Help our kids discover their talents and skills by exposing them to different activities and scenarios.
Will he or she enjoy playing a musical instrument? Singing or dancing? Does he like learning about STEM or science experiments? How about arts and crafts? Or does he enjoy sports like swimming or basketball?
It's time to explore various activities and see where it leads. Learning new skills, discovering what he/ she is good at, and meeting new friends- all of these build up our kids confidence and makes him/ her grow!
We're bringing together an amazing array of kids' activity providers at EXPO KID! Come and check them out, have your kids try different activities or watch demos onstage. Happening on September 14-15 at Estancia Mall, 2F Bridgeway in Pasig.
The event is free of charge. Just pre-register to get updates delivered to your inbox, and also get a fast pass to enter.
See you there!