Children love leaving their mark all over our homes. They leave breadcrumbs on the floor, wet footprints on the carpet, and colorful drawing on the wall. While breadcrumbs and wet stains are easy enough to pick up and dry off, drawings on the wall are harder to take on. This housekeeping issue takes on a different dimension when the artworks are made with permanent markers or drawn on a freshly painted wall. Mom sure has one big headache coming on!
Fortunately, there are local mompreneurs who are always on the lookout for solutions to common household issues such as this.
While attending a trade fair a few months back, Chrissie Gaw-Sze, the mompreneur behind BabyZone, came upon HiPaint, a clear coating that turns any surface into a functional space without ruining the existing paint.
She says, “We bought one set and tried it at home. We were so delighted at how such an amazing product it is that we decided to bring it in and share among other mommies via our website.”
HiPaint to the rescue
Mess-free and odorless, HiPaint may be applied to virtually any surface from drywall and wood to metal and masonite. It is environmentally friendly and contains no heavy metals such as lead, mercury, zinc, and benzene. Just apply HiPaint on a 2 sqm size of surface, and your child can express his artistry and creativity on your walls to his heart’s delight.
Chrissie says, “This is the best tool to invite creativity and freedom of expression among kids without ruining the interior. We know how much kids love to doodle, and instead of covering the entire playroom wall with paper, or buying magnetic/white boards or easel boards, why not turn that surface into a writeable-eraseable one with the use of HiPaint?”
Needless to say that Chrissie’s kids have taken to the product like fish to water.
She relates, “My boys love the fact that they can use that specific part of the wall to write/draw whatever they want, whenever. They would make stories while drawing and leave it for days until they get ‘sawa’ and then erase it to make new ones. I love looking at them while drawing because they get so creative. They get to practice writing, spelling, and even creating stories out of their doodles! Even I love that I don’t anymore use papers to review them for quizzes. They like the idea of doing it on the wall and using different colored markers in answering.”

Apart from helping unleashing a child’s creativity, Chrissie suggests that Hipaint can also be a bonding tool for families. They can share ideas, plan travel adventures and weekly menus, or just draw together.
HiPaint is now available at www.babyzone.ph. The home edition kit, which contains everything you need to turn your wall into a whiteboard, can coat a 2 sqm surface. It is priced at P3,999. BabyZone also carries the recommended set of 10 markers for P450.
HiPaint will also available at Expo Mom Holiday, from November 4 to 6 at the Glorietta Activity Center, where BabyZone is one of the participating exhibitors.

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