Who says learning about something as strange-sounding as Pneumococcal Disease or PD can’t be all that fun?! Well, as the country’s top social media moms and their kids found out the other week, learning can be a whole lot of fun! Mommy Mundo, the country’s most extensive portal of mom and family-focused resources, in partnership with GlaxoSmithKline, a global leader in preventive healthcare, recently launched a disease awareness campaign called Protection, Love, and Activities for Young Kids or simply, P.L.A.Y.
Through P.L.A.Y. moms were enlightened about the silent killer that is Pneumococcal Disease. This category of diseases, which includes meningitis, sepsis, bacteremia, pneumonia, and acute otitis media is considered as the number one killer of children below 5 years of age worldwide. But ironically enough, PD could easily be prevented with the proper vaccine.
The fun started as the moms and their kids went on an adventure hunt around Fun Ranch using clues related to PD. This was followed by an informative talk by Carmina delos Reyes, M.D., on the First Year of Life. A Puzzle Game along with Guess the Word challenges came soon after to test the moms’ knowledge of PD. To cap off the P.L.A.Y. event, the moms were asked to make a pledge to make health a priority in their families’ lives. It was both a fun and informative event, which emphasized the importance of continuous learning when it comes to our families’ health and safety.
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