How many of us go to bed with our cell phones? Our cell phones have become such a significant part of our everyday lives that we treat them as virtual extensions of ourselves. We use our cell phones to accomplish tasks, connect with friends, take selfies, and play games. We even use our cell phones to wake us up from sleep! But is that okay? Sleeping with our cell phones?
Much has been said about how cell phones are affecting the social realm by disrupting real-time conversations and affecting real-life relationships. One study, which was published in the Psychology of Popular Media Culture journal, tracked 170 college students in committed relationships. They were asked to evaluate their dependence on their cell phones and that of their partner’s. Those who were more dependent on their phones were less certain about their relationships, the study reported. Those who felt that their partners were too dependent on their phones were less satisfied about their relationships.
Apart from the social effects of cell phones, researchers are now actively studying the health consequences of the prolonged use of these devices. Since cell phones give off radiofrequency (RF) waves, the issue of safety has drawn serious concerns. A number of expert agencies have looked into the cancer-causing potential of cell phone radiation. But while the evidence of a possible link is limited, these agencies agree that more research needs to be done.
Nonetheless, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified RF fields as “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”
While the jury is still out on cell phone radiation, it might be advisable to take the necessary precautions by limiting your exposure to it. Among other things, the American Cancer Society has recommended using the speaker mode or an earpiece when you talk on the phone as well as limiting your family’s cell phone use.
You might also consider using a device that reduces the radiation being absorbed by your body like the Fazup Anti-Radiation Patch.
Fazup is a thin, sticker patch containing a passive antenna that regulates the emission of cell phone radiation. It works by modifying the spectrum of radiation of your cell phone to reduce as much as possible the emission of radiation towards your head.
The result of over 10 years of intensive research, Fazup is globally patented and has undergone rigorous testing. Placing a Fazup patch on your cell phone has been found to reduce up to 99% of radiation being absorbed by your body.
Yes, the jury may still be out on the effects of radiation. In the meantime, it might be good to take steps to reduce your family’s exposure to it.
For more information on Fazup, go to
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