Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year, especially since you get to spend precious moments with those nearest and dearest to your heart, your family.
For the better part of the year, most of us are ensconced in the everyday details of living. The kids go to school, do their homework, and attend band practice. Parents pursue their professions, manage the home, and take care of the children. These tasks can prove to be overwhelming on occasion, putting a strain on family time.
But Christmas is the one time in the year when you can forget about anything and everything, and give your full attention on your loved ones. It’s also the time of the year when you get to revisit family traditions which you have enjoyed since childhood. Decorating the Christmas tree, wrapping gifts, cooking Noche Buena, and sharing stories of Christmases past – these are some of the activities we wish we could engage in the whole year round.
The SM Store knows how Christmas revolves around the warmth and comfort of family, and in its latest campaign #SMLoveYourFamily, it shines the spotlight on four modern Filipino families – style siblings Daryl and Andre Chang, fashion photographer BJ Pascual, entrepreneurs Eric and Bea Soriano-Dee, and designer Amina Aranaz Alunan and her husband marketing executive Rafa and their family – and how they are keeping the spirit of Christmas alive in their hearts.

The Alunan Family
Christmas is one of designer Amina Aranaz Alunan’s favorite seasons as it allows her to dress up her home in holiday spirit. She is as meticulous in decorating her home for the season as she is in developing her bags, choosing a color theme and sourcing out materials. The SM Store is always one of her stops as it offers a great selection of décor.
But beyond the décor, Christmas is the season to spend with family. Amina and her husband marketing executive Rafa Alunan love creating special memories with their three children Lucas, Helena, and Diego. It’s made even more special as they are joined by Rafa’s Dad Raffy, Mom Elizabeth, and the rest of the Alunan and Aranaz families in heartwarming Christmas celebrations.

Entrepreneurs Eric and Bea Dee
It is the second Christmas that successful entrepreneurs Eric and Bea Dee are spending as a family, and they are delighted no end at starting new holiday traditions with their son Braeden. Though they are constantly up and about, going on adventures around the globe, the Dees prefer to spend Christmas in the Philippines where the warmth of family is a joy irreplaceable.
Which is why Bea has made their home truly Christmas-ready with striking holiday décor bought from The SM Store. Trimming the Christmas tree, the two made their wish list known to each other, hoping that their holiday dreams would come true. Bea says she would love some jewelry under the Christmas tree while Eric hopes to get a geeky gadget or a handsome pair of shoes on Christmas day.

Stylists Daryl and Andre Chang
A lauriat dinner on Christmas Eve and lechon for Christmas lunch are what stylish siblings Daryl and Andre Chang are looking forward to the most this holiday season. Skipping Manila for the quiet charm of Cebu, where their father Leoncio is still based, Christmas is definitely family time for Daryl and Andre with a visit to The SM Store in Cebu a long-running tradition.
Stylists both, expect the siblings to muster their eye for design and detail to each gift selected, making sure the wrapping is as delectable as the prize inside. Daryl has opted to get André five pairs of shoes from Milanos at The SM Store and something guitar-inspired for Dad. For his part, André is looking at home décor or accessories for the newly married Daryl. For Dad, he’s chosen some button-down shirts and pique polos to make him look all the more dapper.

Photographer BJ Pascual
Celebrated photographer BJ Pascual would like nothing more than to go off to Cavite during the holidays and fall into the arms of his Lolo and Lola. Wowo and Wowa, as he fondly calls them, have always been supportive of his passions and interests, and to them BJ owes a debt of gratitude.
Expect BJ to go traditionally Filipino as he celebrates Christmas in their ancestral home in Cavite with lots of scrumptious food and wholesome merry-making. He hopes that his Wowo and Wowa would love the gifts that he has picked out for them from The SM Store: an overnight bag for Lola and a bomber jacket for Lolo.
Celebrate Christmas with The SM Store! Download The SM Store Gift Guide for gift ideas at: https://goo.gl/ATXBGx. Follow @TheSMStore on Twitter and Instagram and visit www.thesmstore.com to shop for gifts online.
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