Having a greater awareness of ourselves, our actions, and our effect on others will undoubtedly help us become better persons and better parents. This makes Yehuda Berg’s upcoming talk on “Why Kaballah, Why Now?” especially relevant to all mommies and daddies.
On January 15, 7 p.m., at the SMX Convention Centre in Pasay City, Yehuda Berg, co-director of the Kaballah Centre, will share spiritual and practical tools based on kabbalistic principles that parents can apply to their everyday lives as stewards of their children. In so doing, they will not only become better parents, but more conscientious members of their communities as well.
A bestselling author in the field of spirituality, Yehuda Berg has written more than 30 books on everything from relationships to self-empowerment. He is also one of the pillars of the Kaballah Centre, a non-profit organization that makes the principles of Kabbalah understandable and relevant to everyday life.
For more information about parenting with consciousness, go to www.kabbalahphilippines.com and www.spiritualityforkids.com. For tickets to the event, go to http://eventregkpi.jimdo.com; e-mail philippines@kabbalah.com; or contact 0917-509-1333.
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