Every month, Mommy Mundo celebrates our moms-again and our moms-to-be! We’d like to extend our heartfelt congratulations on the upcoming bundles of joy of our mom community!
Toddler transitions: tips and tricks for your tiny tots
Toddlerhood is such an exciting stage, not just for the wee ones finding their way in the world, but for their families as well! It’s full of all kinds of discoveries and challenges. As parents, we take on the task of being these children’s guides, doing our best to help our toddlers transition smoothly from change to change as they grow.
Baby on Board! Mommy Mundo’s Preggy List this February!
Every month, Mommy Mundo celebrates our moms-again and our moms-to-be! We’d like to extend our heartfelt congratulations on the upcoming bundles of joy of our mom community!
Mom Spotlight: Sara Black
For over 16 years Sara Black has been a visual artist, well known for her photography. Her life was about art and work, but in 2013 she received a signal to also focus on health. A false cancer scare made Sara realise that she needed to pay more attention to her body.
The Best Nursing Support Accessories
Right after giving birth, one of the main activities that preoccupy moms is nursing their baby. The process can be overwhelming, challenging, and frustrating, which is why it is important that nursing mothers receive a lot of support. Over the years mommy and baby gear has been designed to help support nursing moms with a variety of items and accessories to make this time easier.
Minimising Stretch Marks 101
Stretch marks can occur at any time in a person’s life. These indented streaks of skin can appear in any part of the body, although most commonly on the belly, the breasts, the hips, and butt. Often they are a result of weight gain or certain types of physical activity that strain and stretch the skin. They do not cause any long term pain, neither are they painful when they occur. Stretch marks also do not harm the skin in any way.
Photo by yanalya
Pregnancy Mystified: Rachel
Pregnancy Mystified is a new series by and on Mommy Mundo. The series seeks to shed light on unusual pregnancy and birth stories by sharing the unique experiences of moms in the community. These are real moms and real stories that all moms can learn from.
In this story, we learn about PPROM, a pregnancy complication that occurs in only 3% of pregnancies.
Onward and Upward! A Recap of A New Way To Be: How to Evolve
On January 23, Mommy Mundo, in collaboration with #BabyDovePH, launched its first event of the year: A New Way To Be: How to Evolve. Led by Kit Malvar Llamas and T. Jeannie Castillo, this timely talk imparted valuable lessons and reminders on how we can transform ourselves and our family relationships for the better.