The Blog
How Babywearing Empowered Me!
By Denise Gonzales-Bernardo I am blessed to be the yummymummy of two amazing boys, Benicio, who is now 10, and Pascal a.k.a Pax, who is turning 4. Babywearing has been a part of our lives for many years, and although my little men are a tad bit too big to […]
READ the POSTWhat You Need to Know About IB and AP
A world-class education is every parent’s big dream for his child. An international curriculum would not only prepare his child to be academically competent and globally-minded, it would also give him competitive advantage in his chosen career or field. Today, the terms International Baccalaureate Certificate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP) […]
READ the POSTMoms, Anti-Distracted Driving Act Suspended
UPDATED as of May 23, 2017: The DOTr has officially suspended the implementation of the Anti-Distracted Driving Act. The following is their Official Statement: To respond to the call of both Houses of Congress to defer the implementation of ADDA, the Department of Transportation (DOTr), Land Transportation Office (LTO), Land […]
READ the POST5 Things to Know About Breastfeeding in Public
When baby’s hungry, he doesn’t care whether you’re at home or at the mall. So if you’re a breastfeeding momma, you better be prepared to feed baby in public. “The beauty about breastfeeding, whether it is in public or not, is that you don’t really need anything except you and […]
READ the POSTMommy Mundo Goes to Aruga at The Grove
Aruga at The Grove was the setting for Mommy Mundo’s string of pictorials featuring members of its growing community. Photographer Stanley Ong captured the families in different scenarios, enjoying each other’s company in the midst of the various amenities of Aruga at The Grove. The photographs were taken as part of […]
READ the POSTCo-Sleeping for the Win!
In recent years, there has been a definitive trend towards co-sleeping among new moms. While parents of a generation ago made it a point to have their babies sleep in their own cribs, sometimes in a different room, the new generation of mommies and daddies are rediscovering the many joys […]
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Motherhood Stage by Stage
We are with you every step of the way, giving you a variety of information, events and activities which address every stage of motherhood.