The Blog
All Smiles at Expo Mom #TeamMom Cebu
It was a happy get-together of family and friends as Expo Mom #TeamMom began its nationwide roadshow at Ayala Center Cebu. Moms brought along their besties, and together reminisced about all the times they had each other’s backs. Dads gave able support, watching over the kids as their wives listened […]
READ the POSTFazup: Guarding Against Cell Phone Radiation
How many of us go to bed with our cell phones? Our cell phones have become such a significant part of our everyday lives that we treat them as virtual extensions of ourselves. We use our cell phones to accomplish tasks, connect with friends, take selfies, and play games. We […]
READ the POSTPlaying With Baby
Babies are the best playmates. They gurgle with delight, they babble constantly, and they give the most adorable smiles. It’s no wonder then that everyone wants to play with them. Babies seven months onwards learn as they play, and so it’s best to incorporate elements of discovery and exploration on […]
READ the POSTWhat It’s Really Like to Travel With Children
Chal Lontoc del Rosario has always had a taste for adventure. While she was still single, she’ll go on these backpacking adventures, hopping from one province to the next, one country after another. It didn’t matter whether she’d find herself in Vigan or Venice as it was the idea of […]
READ the POSTA Mother’s Plea for Safe and Reliable Public Transportation
By Shen Cala-or What is safe, reliable? LTFRB Central Office, mothers all over the metro request that you listen to what we have to say. We respect your authority but our laws need changing because our technology is improving. Utilize this change instead of going backwards. Work with us instead. […]
READ the POSTFamily Togetherness at Expo Mom South
Nicole Hernandez was talking about the characteristics of baby skin before Expo Mom South visitors when one of her kids casually walked on stage. As Nicole, who’s a professional host and model, tried to keep her presentation going, her son proceeded to tramp around the stage as if it were […]
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Motherhood Stage by Stage
We are with you every step of the way, giving you a variety of information, events and activities which address every stage of motherhood.