The Blog
Ward Off Mom Stress
You’ve just come home from work when your two daughters, after giving you a welcome home kiss, start bickering right in front of you. Apparently, they have been having a tiff about a toy they both wanted to play with. You have just spent two hours in traffic. You are […]
READ the POSTThe Nearness of We: Taking Charge of the Breastfeeding Journey
Every breastfeeding journey is different. For some moms, it is easy. For others, it can be a little bit complicated. Mommy Mundo celebrates Breastfeeding Month by shining the spotlight on their stories. There is Grace Pecayo, who was committed to breastfeeding despite the unpleasant stories she’s heard about other moms’ […]
READ the POSTExpo Mom #TeamMom Goes to Davao
Hey Davaoena mommas! Are you ready to give some tender loving care to your fellow mothers? Expo Mom, the pioneer in family-friendly and family-centered events, continues its nationwide roadshow as it celebrates its tenth year of supporting and connecting moms. From Manila, it makes a stopover in Davao on September […]
READ the POSTExpo Mom Davao Giveaway
The early bird is always gainfully rewarded. Mommy Mundo is giving away its signature tote bags filled with all sorts of goodies to the first 100 moms who’ll pre-register their attendance for Expo Mom #TeamMom Davao on September 2, 2017, Saturday, from 10AM to 9PM at Abreeza Mall. It’s easy. […]
READ the POSTThe Nearness of We: The Wonders of Breastfeeding
There are as many breastfeeding stories as there are moms and babies. In celebration of Breastfeeding Month, Mommy Mundo gives voice to the everyday struggles of Filipina moms as they embark on one of the most exciting and fulfilling journeys they’ll ever take – breastfeeding. Here, Paula Pescador talked about […]
READ the POST4 Basic Tips to Improve WiFi at Home
It is fortunate that more and more moms can opt to work from the comfort of their homes. Because of the wonders of technology, moms have become veritable wonder women, providing for their families while being hands-on in the everyday care of their children. While such a situation is a […]
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Motherhood Stage by Stage
We are with you every step of the way, giving you a variety of information, events and activities which address every stage of motherhood.