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Electrolux Delightful-E’s Watch & Share Contest Part 3 It’s a brand new week, and we’re giving you another opportunity to win a wonderful kitchen helper from Electrolux! Join Part 3 of Mommy Mundo’s Electrolux Delightful-E’s Watch & Share Contest from July 28 to August 11, and get a chance to take home an Electrolux EOT2501 Oven Toaster! […]
READ the POSTLet’s Run!
Mary Decker, Gail Devers, Florence Griffith Joyner, Marion Jones—some of the world’s greatest runners are women. Indeed, there probably isn’t a field, either in sports, science, art, or industry where women have not failed to show their talent, wisdom, and grace. On July 20, 2014, let’s join our sisters as […]
READ the POSTThe Do’s and Don’ts of Baby’s First Photo Shoot
Most women become shutterbugs the minute they become moms. And why not? Babies are such adorable, gorgeous creatures that you’d want to capture their every movement for posterity. But of course, nothing beats the thrill of having your baby photographed by a professional. Before you book your baby’s first photo […]
READ the POSTGet Ready to Run!
On July 20, 2014, Sunday, at Filinvest City, Alabang, join your sisters, daughters, mothers, wives, and grandmothers at the Carbtrim – The Bull Runner All Woman Race. It’s going to be a race for womanity as we run for fun, fitness, and empowerment. There’s going to be an assortment of […]
READ the POSTWhimsically Practical Have you always wondered what your life would be like if you followed your heart’s dearest desire? Have you had moments when you asked yourself all sorts of “What if?” questions? Well, this is the kind of thinking that two kindred spirits brought into What If Handmade Shop. Former […]
READ the POSTBling It On at The Bull Runner All Woman Race
When Jaymie Pizarro put on her running shoes almost a decade ago, she never thought that her journey would inspire so many others. The exuberant mom behind the much acclaimed blog, The Bull Runner, she shares, “Running has given me countless benefits in the past eight years I’ve been running. Essentially, […]
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Motherhood Stage by Stage
We are with you every step of the way, giving you a variety of information, events and activities which address every stage of motherhood.