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A Most Welcome Gift for Soul-Weary Moms: The Mindful Mom Re-Treat
<href=”” title=”_DSC2969″> <href=”” title=”_DSC2412″> <href=”” title=”_DSC2417″> <href=”” title=”_DSC2403″> “I grew up telling myself that I would never be like my mom, but now I find myself being just like her.” “I thought that being a mom is pure bliss, it isn’t.” “I don’t know how to cook.” “ There are so many things […]
READ the POSTThe 6th Mommy Milkshake Run 2016
Active parenting and bonding with family is one of Mommy Mundo’s objectives when planning for events. Being active outdoors and being physically active is a surefire way to create camaraderie & togetherness within a family and our community so on March 6, 2016, we once again bring you the 6th […]
READ the POSTThe Mommy Mundo Preschool Fair 2016
Are you choosing a preschool for your little one? Mommy Mundo gathers some the Metro’s Top Preschools in one venue! Join us on February 27, 2016, from 11am to 6pm at Top Shelf, Fully Booked, BGC. The Mommy Mundo Preschool Fair features interactive exhibits of some of Manila’s top Preschools. […]
READ the POSTExpo Kid 2016
Welcome Summer at Expo Kid 2016! The development of a child’s skills and interests never stops. It does not end on school days, nor does it take a break during off-seasons. Summer doesn’t only mean taking vacations, surfing the net, or having more time to play. It also means learning […]
READ the POSTDealing With Headstrong Kids
He doesn’t want to listen. He doesn’t want to budge. He always wants to be in charge. He has a witty reply for everything you say, and what should be simple everyday routines easily become a battle of wills. Filipinos have a term for such strong-willed or headstrong kids, “matigas […]
READ the POSTBrighten Up Your Home with R2R x
It is often a challenge to keep our homes beautiful and stylish, especially when we’re busy looking after our kids. However, a few key pieces placed at appropriate areas could most certainly give our homes a joyful vibe. R2R Living, the line of stylish, artisanal, and functional home pieces by […]
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Motherhood Stage by Stage
We are with you every step of the way, giving you a variety of information, events and activities which address every stage of motherhood.