The Blog
Style Me Little: One Mompreneur’s Small Idea Come to Life
The smallest of ideas may just turn out to be the best ones. For mompreneur Ethel Cuerpo-Bernales, it all started with accessories for her daughter Celestina’s hair. In 2011, Ethel had a baby girl. Because she liked styling her baby, she naturally wanted good quality hair accessories. But when she couldn’t […]
READ the POSTWhy Honey Should Be Part of Your Family Meals
If there’s one thing that you should always keep in your pantry, it’s honey. It’s quite versatile as an ingredient, adding excitement to both sweet and savory dishes, from glazed ham and honey chicken to fruit salad and cheesecake. But more than making family dinners more delicious, honey can contribute […]
READ the POSTPregnant Pause for Moms- and Dads-to-be
First-time moms and dads have a hundred and one questions about pregnancy, labor, and childbirth. While information is readily available from dozens of internet resources, there is nothing quite like face-to-face interaction with an expert who could readily answer their issues and concerns. What’s more, an expert brings with him […]
READ the POSTReal Moms on the Importance of Mindfulness
Silence is a gift. When your mind is quiet and your body is at rest, you come to all sorts of realizations which may have escaped you in the daily grind. This is what moms who attended Mommy Mundo’s Mindful Mom Re-Treat have come to know. A half-day retreat giving […]
READ the POSTFluffy Pwets Collab Launch
Fluffy Pwets is the first ever line of hybrid fitted cloth diapers in the Philippines. These cloth diapers are made with organic, breathable, and hypoallergenic cotton materials. No plastic, No laminated material, just pure fluffiness. Fluffy Pwets, or FP to its users, was conceptualized in 2013, inspired by the owners’ […]
READ the POSTWhy Take a Family Cruise Vacation
Thinking of where you’d like to sweep your family off to on your next vacation? Why not take a cruise vacation? Cruises have become hugely popular among families for a variety of reasons. For starters, your family can travel to different destinations without having to pack and unpack from one […]
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Motherhood Stage by Stage
We are with you every step of the way, giving you a variety of information, events and activities which address every stage of motherhood.