The Blog
The Little Foodie: Developing Your Baby’s Palate
A common complaint among moms is how to coax their picky eaters into trying new food fare. It’s an everyday struggle that’s real and challenging, leading moms to do anything and everything from bribing their children to eat their vegetables to threatening them with non-usage of their favorite gadget. There […]
READ the POSTThe Search for the Best Preschool
Finding the best preschool just got a little easier for parents with Mommy Mundo’s Preschool Fair 2017. An interactive exhibit featuring some of Manila’s top preschools, the event took place last February 4, 2017 at Fully Booked in Bonifacio High Street. Present during the event were the founders and teachers […]
READ the POSTDate Night Ideas
You and your hubby finally found the time to schedule date night. Taking things slow seems like a good idea. Have dinner where you can enjoy delicious grownup food, perhaps? Talk about stuff other than who’s picking the kids after basketball practice, and then maybe have a good cuddle without […]
READ the POSTStrength Spotting at the Mindful Mom Re-Treat
Of the many exercises moms are asked to complete at the Mindful Mom Re-Treat, there is one which almost always leaves them a bit flustered. It’s an easy exercise actually, and the moms are asked to complete it in just five minutes. Some moms zoom through the exercise like students […]
READ the POSTBaby Love: Tender Loving Care for Infants
Expectant couples wait excitedly for nine months to see their bundle of joy. Once the little one arrives, however, they may find themselves frazzled and frustrated. Reading about caring for baby is different from actually doing it. And parents, first-timers most especially, may get rattled with baby’s incessant cries. With […]
READ the POSTRowena Lei: Her Blog, Her Life
By Jing Lejano Many, many years ago, I tried my hand at blogging. I was editing a magazine then, but ironically enough hardly had any time to write. I thought blogging would satisfy my need to write my thoughts on anything and everything, and I got so excited about it. […]
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Motherhood Stage by Stage
We are with you every step of the way, giving you a variety of information, events and activities which address every stage of motherhood.