If all it takes to become a better parent is to read a book or go on a workshop, then we’d all be the best moms that we ever could be. Unfortunately, parenting is a much more complex undertaking than the mere reading of a couple of concepts. How we were raised by our parents, for example, has an indelible impact on how we raise our own children. Like it or not, we pick up parenting patterns from our own growing up experience—and those shape us into the moms we eventually become.
“I believe it starts with mindfulness. Our journey into becoming better mothers starts with being aware of how our past influences our present,” says Mommy Mundo Founder and Expo Mom Chief Organizer Janice Villanueva.
Being lenient on your children because your parents were strict on you is an understandable knee-jerk reaction. But ask yourself, what kind of children are you raising with such a parenting style?
Always be conscious of how you parent your kids, says Janice. By taking a close look at your parenting style, you can determine what patterns you need to change and what new skills you need to learn.

Moms who participated in Mommy Mundo’s Mom Manifesto Campaign have certainly become more mindful of how they parent their children. A series of online workshops, the campaign has been helping moms discover their mission in life and formulate their Mom Manifesto, which they are encouraged to share and declare at this year’s Expo Mom. The biggest gathering of the latest in family-oriented product innovations and parenting trends, Expo Mom is happening on May 22 to 24 at the Glorietta 2 Activity Center.
Start your journey to mindfulness by being aware of these three parenting styles:
* The authoritarian style of parenting comes from a position of power and control. Authoritarian parents, who are also known as brick wall parents, expect unconditional obedience to rigid rules and routines. Children raised in an authoritarian manner tend to be rigid, controlled, and obsessive.
* The authoritative style of parenting comes from a position of respect, caring, and unconditional love and acceptance. Authoritative parents, who are also known as backbone parents, want to help their children reach their full potential. Children raised in an authoritative household tend to be generous, loving, and respectful.
* The permissive style of parenting comes from a position of chaos. Permissive parents, who are also known as jellyfish parents, oftentimes have psychological issues of their own. They are thus not equipped to set any sort of rules or routines in their families. Children raised in a jellyfish household tend to grow up insecure as adults.
“Being a mindful mom will help you become a better mom,” Janice says.
Are you happy with the kind of parent you are today? If you are not completely satisfied, then how about participating in the Mom Manifesto workshop? The activities are still downloadable at http://expomom.com/mommanifesto/
Mom and child photo courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Background courtesy of Nina Matthews Photography at http://www.imcreator.com/free
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