Mommy Mundo along with Baby Dove held an online version of the popular seminar, Infant Massage. Taught by pioneering childbirth expert, Rome Kanapi, almost 200 moms tuned in to learn about the best way to bond with your baby and stimulate their muscles and sense of touch. Kanapi, using a doll, demonstrated the best ways to massage a baby, and she encouraged moms to practice with their babies as she went through the steps.
As moms learned how to start infant massaging they were also encouraged to ask as many questions as time permitted. We’ve listed the most popular ones below:
How long should I massage the baby?
Forty minutes is enough. You don’t want to overstimulate the baby.
What age can we begin infant massage?
Shortly after the baby is born, as soon as the parents are confident in handling their children, but taking the necessary precautions and being very gentle, of course.
How frequently should the baby be massaged?
Once a day is good practice.
When is the best time of day to massage the baby?
There is no specific time of day, but after a bath–when the baby is relaxed–is a good time. Just make sure that you do not massage your baby after it’s been fed or has eaten. You should wait an hour or two after feeding.
What should I use to massage my baby?
Using organic coconut oil or a mild moisturiser, like Baby Dove, can be used for your baby’s skin.
Can we massage toddlers too?
Yes! You can massage toddlers as well.
Is it okay if the baby falls asleep?
Yes. It is fine if the baby falls asleep. It means they are relaxed!
For more webinars and events like Infant Massage, follow Mommy Mundo on Facebook and Instagram, and stay tuned to Mommy Mundo’s Facebook Live.
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