Whether it be by choice, due to illness, or in cases of community quarantines, knowing the basics of home schooling and/or being able to handle remote learning of kids is useful for all parents.
Though daunting at first, the truth is that parents know their children best and in some ways are in the best position to teach them. Here are some tips for getting started:
1) Know the child’s learning style
Some kids like books. Other kids enjoy learning linked to play.
Some children need to have schedules and structure and be told which subject is next. Other children do better in progressive or Montessori-type environments that allow them to choose their own activities from a set of activities already laid out. Knowing how the child will best respond is the first step to any successful home school activity.
Remote learning or home schooling can be difficult for children with special needs. Even parents may not be equipped in these situations. Doing a lot of research on techniques that will address these needs is key to getting started.
2) Start a dialogue with their teachers
If the child is staying home due to a community quarantine, such as the one mandated by the government during the COVID-19 pandemic, then starting a dialogue with their school or teachers can help give parents an idea of what their children are learning and how best to make sure they continue on the right trajectory.
3) Decide on the designated teaching parent and stay consistent
If both parents are home, deciding who takes charge of the different subjects will not only give the child consistency, but will also put them in the right frame of mind as they switch from subject to subject or from one activity to the other. If they know and are in the habit of doing math time with mom, they will easily be able to stay focused every time the subject is presented.
4) Take advantage of the morning
Most children are fresh in the morning; less irritable, less tired, and more willing to work. Take advantage of this and set the more tedious or boring activities in the morning.
5) Set daily goals
How many hours of each day will be dedicated to learning? Of those hours, how much time is allotted to each subject or lesson? While not every subject has to be studied every day, setting daily goals can be helpful in keeping both parent and child on track.
6) Use the internet
On the bright side, home schooling your child gives you a chance to learn all over again!
The internet is full of fun activities, lessons, quizzes, and more. It is also a useful tool for parents of older children that might have forgotten all about what their 7th grader or high schooler is talking about. After all, just because most adults will have forgotten the postulates and theorems of Geometry doesn’t mean children get to skip them if it’s part of their course work.
7) Find ways to keep them socialized
Let them play! Not every hour should be dedicated to books and learning because children also learn about the world through play. If a child is homeschooled, parents should set up frequent playdates to help them in terms of socialization.
In cases of community quarantines, playing and socialization can be a challenge, but these can be overcome with some interactive online games or a few video calls with their school friends.
Just a little bit of knowing how to home school children can go a long way. These techniques will be very helpful during weekends at home. Doing the activities together will not only promote parent-child bonding, but it will also make parents aware of where their children are in terms of their studies and give them more ideas of how they may be able to help their child progress.
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