One of the biggest challenges of full-time moms is carving out time just for yourself. Between feeding, household management, taking kids to school, and more, it can be difficult to find a few minutes to take a breather, and there are days when it seems like it will never happen. The feeling is normal, and the task (finding me-time) is definitely doable!
Not sure where to start? Follow these easy steps:
1. Don’t feel guilty!
As moms it is easy to feel guilty when we do something for ourselves. We usually begin to think about all the things our children or families need, and that perhaps we should be attending to those things instead. Let go of the guilt! Remember that if you’re not happy, healthy, and okay, then it will be hard to attend to what needs to be done. It’s totally okay to take yourself on a date or treat yourself. Enjoy it!
2. Multi-task when you can.
Women are great at multitasking, so just consider finding “me-time” as a form of multi-tasking when you can! Have Netflix on when you exercise or clean or do laundry. This sounds like a no brainer, but it can make a huge difference! Being able to keep up with conversations (latest shows, current events, trends, etc.) when you spend time with people will make you feel better and like you’re still in touch with the world instead of feeling like you never even have time to do anything but attend to your kids.
3. Schedule it!
One of the best ways to carve out me-time is to schedule it. If your infant is sleeping, pick up your favourite book. If your toddlers or children have school or after-school activities, take the time to grab coffee. On the weekends, schedule with your partner to take the kids for a little while. Even just a two-hour lash and nail appointment can make you feel worlds better!
4. Make it regular.
The best way to benefit from me-time is to make it a regular habit. Something simple that can be done is to have the first hour after bedtime as time just for yourself. The more regular you practice me-time, the better you will consistently feel!
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